Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out of the shower & into a warm towel on a winter day

Jumping out of the bath or shower knowing that a warm towel is waiting for you may seem like a touch of luxury, but it also has other, more practical, advantages.

As a Bathroom Heater: Just as the sun provides for optimum radiant comfort, Runtal towel radiators radiate heat evenly, gently and quietly. Runtal European-style towel radiators are available in either self-contained electric models or hydronic models which integrate into a closed-loop forced hot water heating system. Model types and sizes allow for variations in heat outputs that enable a towel radiator to be used as a supplemental heater or as the sole source of heat for the entire room.

As a Towel Warmer: As a towel warmer each Runtal product is designed to maximize towel warming capacity. There are few sensations in the world which match the feel of a toasty towel or bathrobe after bathing. From a practical perspective, Runtal towel radiators help reduce mold and mildew and keep towels fresh between laundering.

Versatility: Not only for the bathroom, Runtal towel radiators provide an attractive and versatile means to warm other difficult to heat rooms such as kitchens, entryways, laundry rooms and any room where comfort is paramount and space is limited.

See a Runtal Radiator at our showroom.

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